Automation tools: good for productivity, bad for business?

Today, my email inbox was ready to burst.

I started with deleting emails that I send to myself through my accounts at my membership sites. Email deliverability is important, so I check that I receive the emails sent to my members. It was really easy to pick out the member emails because I use templates for my most frequently sent messages. Write the email once, and just reuse it and hit send every week. Automation makes my life so much easier.

Finding and deleting my membership site emails was ridiculously easy, though. I used the same subject lines over and over, so within a few minutes, I readily check marked a year’s worth of emails (yes, I am that lazy about cleaning my inbox). Then I hit a spot where the email subject lines changed. I got to the time point before I started using templates. I stopped in awe. Varied subject lines stood out from the long line of emails in the inbox.

Why am I telling you this?

Using email templates saves me time. I run so many weekly and monthly promotions that writing templates makes sense. After looking at my inbox, I see how that gets old really fast for email recipients. Seeing how easy it was for me to delete those specific emails makes me wonder how many other people are deleting those same emails from their inbox. That can’t be good for business.

There are a lot of tools for automating tasks. They save time. They increase productivity. But do they get a response? Do they convert? Or do they just create white noise that is easily ignored?

My suggestion? Use the automation tools available. But use them wisely. For me? I am going to at least change up the subject lines. It would take me a few seconds, and probably reduce the white noise factor.